It can easily run on different operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS, Unix-like, and Microsoft Windows. We can run this software on many operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Unix-like. It is written in C++, (Qt), ECMAScript language. On July 20, 2021, it’s latest or current stable version was released with lots of advanced features for overcoming the drawbacks of previous versions. On September 23, 2016, its latest version was released which was named as 2.1.3 version of it but on December 31, 2020, its preview version was released and it was named as 2.2.0-rc2 version of it.
It was developed by RibbonSoft for 2d designing purpose of CAD works and its development was started in 1999. LibreCAD was developed by LibreCAD Community and released by them on December 15, 2011. QCAD is also computer-aided design software and works for 2D designing purposes.
LibreCAD is 2D design software that we can use for computer-aided design purposes.